Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sehnsucht, Eifersucht, Vereinsamung

Annette... soulmate huh?
Sweet. As soon as I get some cash saved up I'll be up to beat up her boyfriend and claim her as my own.
So macho of me I know.
Sadly, I'm not as optimistic as all that, nor am I quite (i do say quite) that barbaric.
Though, finding a hot geek chick is hard... I only know of a couple.
I think that if I do have a soulmate out there... then... well she's still out there.
No for now I'll be content to be discontent with my love life... or lack of one.

Now I'm trying to get my head around Boudledard, the french... philosopher/sociologist/economist/moralist.
If you haven't heard of him... well I'm not too surprised.
I've only heard passing mention of him in a few books.
Now I'm reading and incredibly dumbed down book of his theories, and let me tell you even this waterdowned version is just beyond my scope of understanding.
I'd go into his theories of seimology and all that jazz, but I think I'd really botch any sort of explanation that I try to offer.
I will say it's very fascinating and from what I can tell, it goes hand in hand with the idea of memes.

Well I gotta be honest... it's a nice day today.
It's warm, the sun is out.
There are clouds in the sky, but at the moment they are relatively non-threatening.
Yep, no complaints here.
None what so ever.
..................................................... Ok I've got alot of complaints, but I'm not going to go into them any more.
Afterall, I have to have something to write about tomorrow.

Viva la Wittgenstein!


At 7:52 AM, Blogger Almighty One said...

ooopa, I didn't scroll far enuff. I sent an email instead of posting a comment. Well Frank got it.


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