Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Well, I'm back, I'm feeling a bit more calm. Everything will work out... it better any way.
Kyle, I hope your dice are rolling fine this day. Though I feel that I should be excempt from posting two lines as I post two to three times a week. Oh... and testicle is a funny word. Some days I'm nearly over come with the humor it carries and can barely resist the urge to wander around work repeating it incessantly under my breath.
Of course if I did that I would be institutionalized.
I've been meaning to go to an institution.

It's a nice day here in Logan, as days go.
It's cool still, but not cold.
Slightly overcast. Despite the little unsolicitted tug at my wallet the day isn't so bad.
I'm going to go home to night and start working on the children's show, do some dishes, and play some Knights of the Old Republic II. Because I'm doing the good quests in it, in a very closed fisted manner, and thats funny.

And finally before I leave you for the day.



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