Thursday, April 14, 2005

It's a bright sunny day today.
A bit of a nip in the air.
There women, god yes women, wandering around the town about their daily business looking absolutely radiant.
I love women, I love radiant women, and I absolutely love radiant women that will give me the time of day (which are most, because people are usually pretty cordial when asked the time).
Now if I only I could go that extra step and ask them other questions like: "Did you know that you can see the stars in your eyes?" or "Wanna breed" which would fit in more with my ogre mentality.
There is something absolutely entrancing about the other sex.
Something fasinating about the way they smile, the way their eyes sparkle, their laughter...
Though admittedly, they don't find me nearly as entrancing I've noticed, I am a bit like Shrek, but with out the scottish accent.
I'm uncouth at times, rude, crude, care nearly nothing about my appearance.
Grumpy at regular intervals, usually starting when I wake and going until I get home at night.
I sometimes lack tact, oh it's true.
There are instances of gassiness... we won't get into that.
I'm lazy, that's for damn sure. I am a beast of physic, objects at rest want to stay at rest.
Now, I know there are women out there that are just like me... but think for but a moment; a woman like me... that would be an aweful pairing. Two for the price of one.
I tend to be passionate about things, now imagine all my faults, passion, and emotions all rolled up in one being with breasts and a once a month mean streak.*
Yeah that's what I thought.
So you see, just isn't going to happen I think.
I think.
Especcially when you tally in the geek factor.
Now I'm not a social outcast (suprisingly), but I do not consider myself a fully normal member of society.
But once people find out your a geek, they make assumptions about you.
I have one thing going for me though...
Geekdom is spreading, like wild fire, it's becoming more and more acceptable to do certain geeky things.
And all the geeks out there are raising more geeks.
So that's in my favor, in about fifty years....

Ah women.
There is this absolutely enchanting red head that walks by the store here at least once or twice a week.
I wonder if she's really as beautiful as she looks?
Hmm, we'll see.

*For those women who read this and would like nothing more than to strangle me for some of my comments; let me first state that I am trully sympathetic to the menstrual cycle, I DO understand that for many it is painful, uncomfortable and simply unpleasant in general. I don't want to come across as snide, rude, or typical. The comment was meant as levity and nothing more. Also, I would never walk up to a woman I don't know and use any pick up line, women I know yeah depending on the amount of libations I have consumed previous, but never to a stranger.


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