Monday, February 21, 2005

Good bye Hunter.

I've been reading a book by a man named Eric Hoffer.
It's entitled "The True Believer" and quite honestly it's absolutely fasinating.
It tackles the nature and purpose of fanatical movements: religious, social and nationalistic.
He pulls examples from history, but his line of thought and reasoning is, for the most part, pretty solid.
I won't bore you with the details, at least not now; I will say his main point is the main reason for someone to get radically and wholey involved with a movement is a sense of loss in trust of the self.
A desire to abstain from personal responsibility.
That is an over simplification, yes, but it is the gist of it.
If any of you vegas folks are interested in reading, drop me a line and I'll pick up a copy and send it down to you.
You can play pass the book.


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