Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Well... it's over. The election that is.
There are many folks who are satisfied with the outcome.
There are however, many who are not.
I cast my ballot yesterday with the faint optomism that I would be happy with the results.
And I must admit I'm feeling a little like both Eric and Tiny.
Bush has won reelection, I'm not pleased, but as a citizen who voted at least I know that I'm not alone.
I hope that there is some progress in the next four years, both at home and internationally.
I hope that Bush doesn't malign any more countries against us, and that he makes an ernest attempt to gain back the trust he lost with those he has.
I hope that he doesn't jump to any hasty combat situation based on faulty intelligence.
I hope that his ingnorant optimism in Iraq is not a pipe dream as I sincerely believe it is.
I hope that his domestic policies both on economic issues and education really work in the next four years instead of being mediocre at best.
I hope that he doesn't push the gay amendment issue again; it's bad enough there are eleven new states that have such a ban written into their constitutions.
We don't need to discriminate against an entire group of individuals just because there doesn't seem to be a difference in the majority of the political right's mind between the religious "sanctity" of marriage and the social/legal benifits of marriage.
I hope that Bush gets rid of Ashcroft.
If Ashcroft or his lackies have read the blogs... well as it has been said before; so much for the first amendment.
I hope Bush realizes that he did make mistakes, many mistakes, his last four years and I hope that he can learn from them.
And hopefully not repeat them.
If not, then I too as with Tiny "wait with a heart full of terror and a belly full of rage".

I don't understand how an adminstration that duped the public into a war, then acted like there was no mistake made or no wool being pulled over the eyes, can manage to win reelection.
I suppose it has to do with no incumbent every losing a reelection in a time of war.


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