So my day has been interesting thus far.
Hundreds (and I do mean hundreds) of little kids come wandering in the store.
Many of them dressed like spider man, some like batman, a couple like the Hulk, and one lonely soul, as the Flash.
I like the flash.
I've seen witches today, most of whom claim to be good witches.
I've seen several pirates, dragons and puppy dogs.
There were three or four kids that didn't even try, they weren't in a discernable costume.
Maybe they were being themselves for Halloween.
It's something that we as a society and individuals don't always succeed at.
It's refreshing to see so many young spirited individuals who's enthusiasm for something as mundane as candy will make them approach a total stranger for it.
Plus they make me laugh. Most don't like to say Trick or Treat. I don't know why.
Though one kid sang a little Halloween song for me, that made me chuckle. I gave her an extra piece of candy for it.
One man gave me candy.
A little bag filled with sugary goodness.
I've put a new link up for my buddy Sandman. It has some of his art, some comments. He's got a relatively complex storyline behind all the paintings, though I don't know much about it. Check it out if your of a mind.
I don't know if any of the ladies from Dorian Mirth visit or not.
I'm guessing not, I know Kierst used to, but I'm thinking even she doesn't anymore.
So I don't know if they know about the link to the side yet.
I'll say this early because I probably won't get a chance to say it again.
Or I won't want too.
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
Drasago Feeds the ChaosAnnette Keeps the Sanity
Financial Spilt Milk
MY POETRY for your perusal
The Grey Angel
MMMMM... Cake
Something Positive
Sort through the political BS yourself
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