Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Well, it's still cloudy and rainy.
But it hasn't snowed down in here in the valley.
That's good.
I woke up with phlemn in my throat this morning (I know you all wanted to know this).
I'm not happy about that. It's not sore, but I'm not taking any more chances.
I'm sucking on tasty logenzes with the power of vitamin C... whoo hoo.
The play is going well.
It's not a spectacular show, I wish it were, but it isn't.
It is however going very well, no MAJOR mishaps. And it is entertaining, and fun.
I am a dumb ass when it comes to costumes though.
I've never had more than two costume changes in a show before. (In one show I "Changed" on stage, that one was my favorite).
I have seven changes for HOLES. Most of them are shirt changes... but still, I have to take stuff off and put it back on to get the shirt on.
Thats my woe at the moment.

Joel; I love you man!
It sure kicked ass talking with you.
I was upset you didn't call on Sunday, but shit happens.
I'm going to state here what I said yesterday.
You aren't any more boring than I am, or JayC, or Teej, or Tom... or anyone else, you just have enough common sense not to express your opinions on the blog....
I don't care, do it any way.
I've decided to buy a phone card to call you more often my friend who looks like Jesus. Oh yes, oh yes.

Bruce: man I'm stoked! I'm going to see the Incredibles now for sure.

Annette: HA HA It snowed where you are....

JayC: Joel told me something about you last night.... oh yes he did.
It warms my heart actually, I have to be honest.
But after hearing what Joel had to say, I HAVE to come down now.



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