Primitive man relied on his wits and cunning to survive.
Not just his stealth, and focused skills with bows and short spears, but also refined observational abilities.
Through the use of these skills he was able to hunt game, and forage edible plants on his own.
He was also able to cooperate with others, predicting and anticipating their movements on the hunt, to know where he was needed, and where to strike.
Modern man doesn't fair so well....
We got's us technology. Yep, T.V.'s, stereos, c.d.s players.....COMPUTERS!
We have information handed to us on a silverplater.
We don't need to hunt for our food, we have mass production for that.
Both meat and green food collected (and I use the term loosely) on a massive scale, processed and readily available.
I'm not complaining about the convience of all this.
I partake, wholeheartedly.
I embrace the ideas and comforts of modern society, but I am aware it isn't without it's downside.
One side affect that I think is blantant; if it isn't obvious people won't notice it.
Our awareness of things around us, as a society, has gone down to nothing.
Don't believe... look.
Look at the way people behave, particularly when you are at your job.
See what seemingly obvious things, they completely miss.
It happens so frequently at the book store that I feel like posting a sign on the door in large multi-colored lettering that says: "Please be sure you can read before coming in."
Signs are posted through out the store with our, admittedly, overpriced pricing system.
I haven't counted but I'd venture an estimate of about fifty signs posted.
How many people notice... one out of ten, or twelve, or twenty.
Or how many miss the PINK colored sheet on the counter that lists the stores name?
It is horriffying to me that someone would come into the store and not the name of it.
I can't recall a time that I've done that, it could have happened, but...
How can one do that?
End up in a place called "XXX Leroy's Toy's"
And it is NOT a childrens toy store.
Then gape in wonder at the devices around them and ask 2 questions: "What's the name of this place?" and "What kind of store is this."
This is a bookstore.
Do we sale dvd's?
No, we're a books store.
Do you have cd's?
No, we're a book store.
Do you sale computer games?
No, dumbass, WE ARE A BOOK STORE!
Do you think Leroy gets these types of questions?
Yeah, I'm sure he does.
Do people actually read the name of the store before going in.
Here, it's true, people get up to the counter all the time and say "Now, what's the name of this place?"
Well if you don't know that isn't a good sign now is it.
Nor is it a good sign that you didn't notice the pink sign that you're looking directly at with our name on it.
I'm all for throwing balls, not hard ones, at children from the age of two to fifteen.
Throwing without warning or provication, when they are completely unaware.
But don't stop with balls; rolled up news paper when they miss a sign that answers a question they have just proposed, and is placed... obviously for them to read.
Grapes and oranges when they have a question about fruit.
Old circut boards when they miss an obvious observation on a technelogical question.
You see the pattern?
Teach them to think for themselves, but most importantly be aware.
Stupid questions, questions to obvious anwers, would drastically dimish implementing this system.
Think about it.
How likely would you be to not be observant, if past experience has cause a projectile to come flying out of no where and bing you in the noggin?
Not very.
Observation levels would go up.
Dumb, redundant and inane questions would go down.
We could all breath a sigh of relief because idiocy levels would decline.
And... and this is the kicker, those insticts we've been repressing for generations, because the hadn't been needed, would begin to surface again.
That way when the world decends into a nuclear winter and tribes of mutant humans roam the landscape looking for victims, those that underwent the "ball training" will be adept at handling the situation.
"Hey Walter here comes those mutants!"
"Hmmm I guess Walter should have gone through the training."
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
Drasago Feeds the ChaosAnnette Keeps the Sanity
Financial Spilt Milk
MY POETRY for your perusal
The Grey Angel
MMMMM... Cake
Something Positive
Sort through the political BS yourself
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