Gahh! Here I was enjoying a pleasant fugue on my blog, spouting off utter nonsense (more than usual) and then I read Wyrds and Histerickal's blog posts today and BOOM! I'm out of it (the fugue that is).
Wyrd, it's only been the last year and a half that I have taken an interest in politics too, so you're not the only infant here. It happened with that wonderful little conflict in Iraq that we created, (I have a rather large blog addressing my disgust at all of this wonderful war, to be posted another day). I knew there was something wrong with it then, and began to take interest. I'm really glad however to see others being awoke from their sleep in apathy. I'm only sad (and this applies to myself as much as anyone else) that it took an illconcieved war based on fraudulent data to do that. Since that time I've reached the opinion that there is alot wrong with this country. Those of you who read my blog (even after many posts like the last few) probably have gathered that. I'm a big supporter of term limits for state senator's and representatives. I'm also disgusted with the two party system that this countries so fond of. I feel strongly that Bush being reelected won't be benificial to the country; sadly my other option, I have little confidence in.
What you stated doesn't sound like complete garbage Wyrd. Personally I think it's wonderful, while you may not know all the facts ( I don't think anybody does), the thing is you taking notice, and caring is something I personally feel is great.
As for rich men running our country, when haven't they?
I don't care if the canidates rich, they're always going to be more wealthy than I am. What I do care about is whether or not they want to use the presidency to further thier own wealth, or actually serve the people.
I feel that I already know what one canidate has in mind, he's shown that to us, but I don't trust the other one either, simply because I can't allow myself to.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
Drasago Feeds the ChaosAnnette Keeps the Sanity
Financial Spilt Milk
MY POETRY for your perusal
The Grey Angel
MMMMM... Cake
Something Positive
Sort through the political BS yourself
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