You know what, I've had it!
I'm pissed.
I never supported the President going to war in Iraq.
I never thought that Iraq had WMD, and I did think it was about business and making money, almost from the outset. (If you don't believe me ask Joel, I told him all of this, about a month after the war broke out).
But despite my protests, and the protests of the UN, and many citizens of the world, our country went to war anyway.
Well ok, I think, we're committed maybe things will go right. Maybe things won't be too bad.
Iraq seemingly fell before us like a house of cards.
Then the insurgents began to strike.
Injuring the troops, and killing them, and Iraqi citizen. Thier own people they kill with the same voracity as U.S. troops which really pisses me off.
It doesn't seem unreasonable that they would attack our soldiers, but thier own people.
I do support the troops.
Most are hard working, believe in what they're doing and just want to help people.
And why not, the Iraqi people can use aid, both before the war and now even more now that we've destroyed the infrastructure of thier country. (It wasn't an ideal infrastructure by any means, but it was there, a small shaky infrastructure, like a rickety shack).
Then the torture issue came to light, a few bad eggs?
There are 93 reports and complaints dealing with torture, in addition to the complaints of the soldiers who are being court martialed.
Now there are claims and evidence (i.e. video tapes) of prisoners being raped and sodomized by the troops. Prisoners tortured with dogs, made to wet themselves.
Seems like if this was going on, someone in the upper echelon had to know about it.
Maybe I'm being presumptious, but if it wasn't aproved, and it was as rampant as it seems to be, shouldn't someone have done something to stop it.
They are begining to hold blame others, not directly involved with the actual torture, but can I really buy that no officers in charge knew about about it?
I remain suspicious at some of the people in charge, I don't think they are entirely inculpable of the events.
There are no WMD's.
Go figure, looks like the UN inpectors were being honest.
(For those of you who are kidding yourself and saying they were moved... come on really? You honestly think that? I mean , don't you think Saddam would have used them against our troops if he had them? We made it clear we were going to invade anyway, and if he did move them, wouldn't we have caught the unusual movement of large transport vehicles on our satelites?
There were no weapons... OOPS! Our mistake.
The 9/11 commission report supports this, but hey nobody's fault but the CIA, and U.S. intelligence.
The trend lately has been terrorist groups kidnapping people and lopping off heads.
Many of these folks (and come to find out the insurgents also) aren't even Iraqi citizens.
Well isn't that just great?
People from Syria and Afganistan and Saudi Arabia and Libya and many other middle eastern have taken thier holy jihad against the west to Iraq.
If they were focusing on soldiers, it would be different; but no they are kiddnapping truckdrivers, and contracters.
Sure these people are there to make money, but they didn't sign up to have thier lifes put at risk. Some genuinely want to help.
They aren't even issued guns, most don't recieve combat training along with all thier other training.
And the U.S. isn't going to balk at the lopping off of some heads, most countries won't either (Phillipines is an exception).
The insurgents really aren't getting anywhere that way, now are they? They'll keep doing it, because, hey, these guys were stupid enough to come here.
Now Iraq has 'power' back.
Though it's still our troops fighting.
And the latest tactic of the largest insurgent group is to invoke Islamic legend.
Things haven't calmed down, the insurgents are trying to turn this into a religious war; which it shouldn't be, but may become.
We have two real options for presidential canidates: one man served in Vietnam, and that's all we've been hearing about.
So he has alot of medals, so what, there's been much doubt cast on whether he deserved those medals. Some of these claims seem rather spurious, but they cast doubt.
I wonder what that canidate really stands for?
He hasn't said.
I don't think he honestly knows. He keeps focusing on his Vietnam record, well that's great, what's he going to do for the country.
The other president, well he's "a war president", and motivated by his constintuets.
Appointing folk to EPA who work for corporations or had worked for corporations that have dire history with enviromental violations.
I'm no tree hugging hippy but that seems a little wrong to me.
No Child Left Behind.
That's a great idea too... not helping our education system, we've got the worst record in education of any other industrialised nation.
Europe's school systems make ours look like a joke, so does Japan's and China's.
But I digress.
I'm disgusted with it all. I'm voting against Bush this fall.
But I'm ill and sick at the other contestants.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
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