Monday, August 09, 2004


What good times this weenend! What good times.
Joel, Deanne... I love you guys, I hope you made it back safely.
This weekend's highlights were:
Seeing Joel and Deanne, hanging out with a theatre crowd... what fun people,
pulling a dart out of my knee, watching a couple of fun movies and a very artistic film.

Good times, good times.

Now a few comments:
Katrina, that's lovely song. I want to suggest some music to you, they're not opera, I struggle with opera. The pieces I'm suggesting (perhaps you already know them) are orchestral: The Rite of Spring, by Stravinsky; and Concerto for Orchestra, by Bartok... not opera, but two of my favorite pieces.

Gen, I think your oversimplifying the human conditition, it's true that chemicals play an important role, but there is much, much more at work than just the chemicals. Medication can only go so far to help, once people become accustomed to the medication, more and more is required and eventually the medicine must be changed, or if too many cycles have occurred, the individual must wait for something else to come along. That's the weakness of drugs fixing the problem of war, it wouldn't last.
Now don't get me wrong, I think such drugs are a blessing, and they have helped an incredible amount of people, live good, well adjusted lives. I think that they are a much needed part of society now. But one has to wonder at the bigger issue; what's the cause of the chemical imbalances? Is it solely heriditary, or is it also largely caused by the gross amount of unnatural chemicals we ingest as a society, either through food, or in our enviroment? Do societies that consume more natural food, and less fast food and chemically rich foods have a lower rate of deppression? I don't know. It would be interesting to find out though.

Sherry, how was your weekend?

Bruce... I have Darth Vader as my desk top image now, thanks for posting that pic.

Well that's all from me.... more another time.


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