Thursday, August 04, 2005

well, i'm out.
for those of you who didn't know, i've been in the hosipital for the last couple of weeks.
and it's been a real pain in my ass... literally.
i'm doing somewhat better.... ok, a whole lot better, but i'm still not 100%.
i will state that i have had some of the worst experiences in my life the last couple of weeks, and i sincerely hope that i don't ever have to go through anything like them again.
being inocculated while conscious ranks up there to the scariest thing i've been through awake.
waking up in the icu was also no fun.
but the nurses were certainly lovely.
the morphine wasn't though... made me loopy, mellow and somewhat emotional.
i had, hopefully, my last dose today.
i'm on vicodine now to control the pain.... and yes i'm a little loopy on it now.
i've got another week or two of recovery, having someone coming to the apartment to change my dressing every morning for the next week or so.
the first time i was concious for a dressing change it hurt sooooo much when the pulled the old dressing out.
enough that i screamed while the nurse did it, the morphine hadn't had a chance to kick in.
the last couple haven't been nearly as bad.
but now i know why i had to go to the o.r. four times for dressing changes.

for those of you who have expressed your concern, or have been worried about me. thanks.
i love you all, and i certainly am glad there are folks out there thinking of me.
for those of you who read my blog and not the others, and didn't know... well, know that i'm going to be well... maybe even better who knows.

i want to thank tom.
i really wish there was someway i could really show him my appreciation, but i simply do not know how.
he's been there for me, more than i could have asked... though oh i did.


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Almighty One said...

Good to see you alive and well my friend. I asked to be sent to Logan on jobs, but nothing came in.
Good luck. Does the nurse clean anything else? If ya know what I'm saying?

At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well bruce, the nurse is a man in his 50's who retired to nursing after being an emt for many years, so no, no he doesn't clean anything else.
there are actually a lot of male nurses i noticed, i had four or five male nurses why i was in the hospital, though most were young good looking females.


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