Thursday, June 23, 2005

Great Freakin' News!

The U.S. Constitution allows local and state government to sieze private property for public use as long as reasonable compensation is given.
That's well and good, it's been around for 200+ years, not likely to change.
Well guess what... public use is BROAD, and apparently now they can sieze private property and .... give it to private businesses.
Supreme court ruled on it, in a case in Con.
But only if it's for the good of the public.
Now there are of course stipulations, sort of; it has to look reasonable on paper.
I.E. the area is under severe economic depression.
Well, that's not reassuring, our economy is still in a slump, and alot of areas are in, or are heading to a sever economic depression.
That means your house, or your business can be taken, if you live in a depressed area, and given to another private company or individual to help revitalize the area.
Boy, that's reassuring.
Makes you feel secure in our government doesn't it?
I sure do.


At 8:13 PM, Blogger Almighty One said...

What is "reasonable" compensation?
There is this farm land close to our office that they are taking over and widening the road. I'm all for it.
How much hay will he not be able to harvest every year for the next 30 years? Something like that?

At 2:12 AM, Blogger F.G. Shaw said...

Reasonable compensation is the value of the land itself, admittedly farm land is usually more valuable than say an alkalie flat. But a state putting a road through a field is different say then giving it to say Wal-Mart, or Bestbuy. Which is slightly exagerated over what is happening in Con, but not by much. They are giving the area to a hotel/convention center.
Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
But that's just me.


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