Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Closer to the Mark

So every day i creep just a little closer to number 400 here on my blog.
I write a lot.
A lot more than even i'm aware of most of the time.
And most of the post, are posts like this one.
About nothing important.
Nothing life changing.
Just me babbling about stuff that has no significant effect on anybody's life.
I recently discovered blogs by two old friends of mine. I don't talk to either of them very often, though one more frequently then the other.
They both have blogs, they both write infrequently.
And, probably most telling, they both right much, much better than i do.
They don't have the bitter sweet sarcasm or cynism i do, and that refreshing.
They both can right volumes in a paragraph.
Not me.
I read their blogs and think to myself, it's good that i'm doing this for fun and care little about quality, because if this was a competition, i'd lose.
After reading their blogs, i'm earnestly surprised anybody bothers with mine.
I'm surprised one of them bothers with mine on occassion (she occassionally pops up as an anonymous, but she ussually leaves some telling sign to let me know its her).
The other doesn't, or at least claims she doesn't, i've no reason to not believe her.

Only two more boring posts to go.... then i'll be at four hundred.


At 5:07 PM, Blogger Almighty One said...

Man thats alot. I check everyday. I always like what 'ol Frankie has to say.
It'd be nice if I could stay in one place long enuff to messenger chat longer.
Keep it commin' brother!


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