Wednesday, June 15, 2005


The Senate issued an apology for lynching on Monday.
They apologized for not taking action and creating anti-lynching laws when this practice of mob torture and murder was a popular passtime in many of the southern states, and would often rear it's ugly head in other states.
The history of lynching is long, sordid, and quite frankly; appalling disgusting.
Some would ask, why apologize, they government didn't actually do the lynching.
Well, the way I see it, it has to do with moral culpability and position of power.
The government may not have been able to stop all the lynching's that took place, but passing a law that would make it illegal to not only particpate in an active fashion, but also in an inactive fashion (watching the incident), would have sent a message to the perpertrators of the crime that this kind of behavior is not condoned by the government. Unfortunantly, no message of the kind was sent.
The apology is late, but it is a step, possibly in the right direction.
To the ultimate goal... colourblindess.
When we stop seeing skin colour, and start seeing people for the person... well, then we've got some where.
I don't know if it's a goal that humanity can make.
We'll see.


At 8:04 AM, Blogger Almighty One said...

"Lets lynch the bastard." That was always a funny quote.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger F.G. Shaw said...

It's not as funny once you see photographs of people dangling from trees dead. At that point, all humor is lost.


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