Wednesday, February 16, 2005

It's nice and sunny out today.... and as cold as Dante's ninth.
Man I'm tired of this, I'm tired of winter.
IN five months I'll be tired of the heat.
There is no satisfying me when you get right down to it.
I've decided, i'm going to move to some place tropical, live on a beach and eat coconuts and mangos all damn day.
All of you bitchcakers are welcome to come too.
It will be paradise, though there may be parasites and foot rot.
Water will be a problem too, we'll have to boil it.
But it sounds a little appealling doesn't it, at least for a while.
Of course I'm sure I'll get sick of it too.
It seems I'm trully human.
Never satisfied with the condition in which I'm currently living in.
Sucks doesn't it.
Maybe I'm just angry and I don't know it.
No wait, I DO know i'm angry because it's still goddamn winter outside.

The shows are a mess.
The one acts are going ok, though Last Tuesday is a bitch of script to memorize.
Polish Joke is having issues.
We were on hiatus last week because the director was out of town.
This week our lead is busy working tech on another show, which he happens to get paid for.
If we can't get our shit together by the end of the week, we could be in serious trouble.
As it is we only have three weeks to rehearse, now it's two and a half.
We are definitely going to be pulling some weekend rehearsals out our asses to get this show going.... man it's fun!
At least it is now.
The metalic tang of bile from fear that things won't work out.
Just hope it doesn't turn to vomit.


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