Thursday, October 14, 2004


I think that infidelity is a matter of trust and breaking of trust. It is almost always sexual in nature, but it doesn't have to be. Breaking faith with a significant other, whether it be through sexual actions, or through actions of denial, neglect, or abuse can be, in my opinion, an act of infidelity. What counts as infidelity how ever is somewhat subjective according to both society, and the individuals with in the relationship.

For example "open marriages", the couple have an agreement (hopefully a mutual one) in which they may engage with sexual activities with people outside the marriage. They may even go as far participating in each others liasons. Society, on a whole see's this type of marital arrangement as strange, abhorant, and immoral, society will see the actions of the couple as a form of infidelity. Though the couple, if mutally agreed to the nature of the relationship, may not consider this form of sexual activity as infidelity at all. They do not feel as if they are breaking each others trust, as long as they follow the mutually agreed on rules of the relationship.

The issue of infidelity, in my opinion, is guided by the trust that individuals create in the relationship. When the trust is breached, is when infidelity occurs.


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