Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Deanne, now admittedly, I've never had the problem of being accussed of pregnancy. People HAVE accussed me of eating babies however, though I never have. As for the rest of your post; if perhaps they find away for men to become pregnant, then perhaps societal attitudes will change as far as domestic issues go. I find it strange that society is so psycologically obsessed with a very mechanical function of being an animal. Why do we find an exchange of bodily fluids so damn fasinating?

Wyrd, I love playing RPG's. I have several of them for the original playstation, a couple for the Xbox. IF you have a pc or a Box then I highly recomend Morrowwind (I've logged on about 50 hours into that game and I've only scratched the surface of it). Knights of the Old Republic (sweet game, cool plot line, and it's Star Wars). Right now those are the two premierre rpgs, Fable's good, and the Baldur's Gate duology isn't bad if you want some midless adventure. I'm looking forward to three right now: A Bard's Tale, Knights of the Old Republic II, and Jade Empire. Until then I think I might turn back to the old playstation though and pic up some of the FF games again or one of the other old school Japanese style RPG's.

Hey great news everybody, Oil is now $50 a barrel. Aren't you happy that our society relies on a substance that has a finite supply. Damn I wish they would have gone with corn oil... oh well hindsight is 20/20.


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