Sunday, September 19, 2004

beautiful creatures
here in my head
some of them living
some of them dead
a few have now fallen
prostrate on the floor
the darker ones knocking
sofly on the closed door

i hear their mock laughter
i hear their soft cry
i entreat them to silence
then a few of them die
i wait clutching my heart strings
wishing for pain
and hoping their music
won't make a frame
to the hideous laughter
that i alwasy hear
when beautiful creatures
bring me streaked fear

beautiful creatures
alone in my brain
some of them singing
to drive me insane
i sit in the silence
the dark aching calm
and wait for the creatures
to die by the palm
the pain in my head
soon settles down
and the beautiful creatures
are no longer around
the tears of red streak
long down my face
and the appearance of darkness
then rises to give chase

beautiful creatures
haunt me no more
as i chain my self
to the fram above the door
i wait for their passing
as i float so limp
and the dark over takes me
as my breath it does crimp
but beatiful creatures
with arms opened wide
welcome me home
to the inside
and there is no escaping
as they stroke my dark fears
the beautiful creatures
will always be here


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