Thursday, January 05, 2006

ruby orange chicken guns

wow, these colds just stick with ya sometimes
still feel a bit woosey at times, but i can say with some conviction that i feel significantly better than i did yesterday.
and the day before for that matter.
throat still hurts a little, but it's calmed down a bit.
cough is still there though, as well as the phlegm.
bet you're glad i shared that bit of information aren't ya?
i'm still all clogged up in the sinuses too, but overall i can see some improvement.

my week, due to my illness, has been very uneventful.
got some writing done.
in fact finished up a one act, at least the first readable draft of it, even sent it to a few folks.
course having re-read it... eh... dunno.

not alot going on really.
still need to hit the scripts.
going to start transcribing my picasso lines later this evening.
i find it helps if i type them out a time or two.
and in fact, when i'm off book and i need to review i just type them out while i'm at the computer at work.
pretty effective really.
actually got the idea when some body told me (joel i think) that erica did something similar.
if she does or did, i'd have to say she was right on, because it really does help.
with all but one script it helped with.
the one it didn't help with, little could have, but that's a different story.

i've been having problems with freddy.
i can read through picasso, and hear everyone who was cast delivery thier lines. it's like the lines are being spoken by my cast mates in my head....
with the exception of freddy.
see i hadn't been able to get freddy's voice in my head, something wasn't clicking.
i think i was trying too hard.
after having reread the dialogue over and over.
freddy is me, i mean realistically he's not me, but he and i share many of the same characteristics.
we're both in love with creativity.
i get the distinct impression that freddy loves his bar because of all the philosophers, artists and musicians that frequent the place.
all of that raw creativity being bandied back in forth, soaring through the air.
i love that too.
and like freddy, i'm not really suave or lucky with the ladies.
i'm not there to fullfil their physical needs, but can fullfill their emotional ones quite well.
with these thoughts in mind, i can finally approach this character.
still don't hear him in my head yet.
but, i think i may not need to now.


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