Wednesday, December 21, 2005

ahhhhh, the holidays.
that's right the holiday season.
despite want a bunch of conservative right wing crazies would have us believe, this is the holiday season, not the christmas season.
never mind the fact that chanuka is around this time of year (never mind it starts on the 25th of december this year also).
or kwanza, which simply offends many of those morons because its a "made up holiday". i think that's funny because, all holidays are made up, it's an agreement with in a society to start celebrating them, people just didn't wake up and say "hey, todays thanksgiving, don't know how i know, but i know it is."
the fact that the christian celebration of christs birth supplanted older pagan traditions and fesitivals that occurred around the same time of year is completely lost on these people.
they don't realize that different societies around the world had been celebrating festivals and religious rights thousands of years before christ was even born at this time.

so is it a christian holiday?
well, not exclusively so, but as is the case with most people in thic country about most things, they are egocentric.
think that they're way is the only way.
i wonder how they'll reacte when, in ten years, china is the superpower of the world, and the u.s. is getting smacked around...
damned atheistic communists, they don't celebrate christmas, how could they be successful?
i've got pagan friends, yep, i know pagans.
and like most beliefs, i turn a blind scoffing eye at them. seems as valid as christianity in many ways, and is a tad more interesting at least.
but they celebrate a holiday this time of year too, called Yule.
funny, i've heard that word bandied about christian circles too, but they don't know what it means do they.
essentially, i wish the boobs would shut up. happy holidays
it's a nice catch all, makes it so i don't have to say happy this and merry that.
my pagan friends would rather have me wish them a happy or joyful yule.
happy kwanza to my african american friends.
happy chanuka to my jewish friends.
merry christmas to my christian friends, who aren't egocentric retards.
all in all, i say.



At 2:19 PM, Blogger Almighty One said...

A Festivas for the rest of us!


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