Saturday, December 17, 2005

more more more

i agree that there is a huge misconception with religion and sex, and sadly, from what i have seen, it comes mostly from the religious end.
i'm not speaking about the leaders of different religions (well... okay, the evengicals are a HUGE exception, but they usually are) i speaking of the majority of the population.
i know individuals who are very religious though and think that violence is more socially exceptable, and morally exceptable then sex.
i find this attitude grostesquely disturbing in many ways.
there are individuals who have actually read thier religions policies, and listen to thier church leaders and speak to them, such as yourself, but there are many more who don't.
it's also interesting how different religions views have changed about sex through out thier history, (catholicism being the most changed, as it's the oldest).
some regilgions views have drastically changed, and it's easy to see how, or why.
(especcially when you look at the new testament and the apochryphal writings of the new testament as compared to the old testament).
but i digress,
i personally did know that pope john ii discussed sex, while not a member of the catholic faith or an acolyte there of, i didn't follow all of what he had to say, though i noticed he had a fairly positive spin on the topic.
the same with the current LDS president Hinkley in the mormon faith.

one last thing: wittgenstein would have been making this quote not long after world war one.
there was still a mist of victorian attitudes in the air in europe, particularly in englad (where wittgenstein taught).


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