but seriously cooper's works at the lapin agile?
wow! here it is, the fourth of janurary and i'm just getting around to posting about the new year.well, i've been sick, so what do you want?! huh?!
i've caught, quite possibly, what's going around.
seems like everyone has got to have it, whether they want it or not.
runny nose, stuffed up sinuses, sore throat, cough, for a few days there a fever.
yeah it's been great fun.
i don't think of this flu as a poor begining to a new year, just a cap on a crappy year.
damn it's good to be in 2006!
i can already feel so much potential... or maybe it's the aches and pains of the illness.
whatever it is, it's palpable.
now here is where i go into resolutions:
well guess what, i don't make them.
so piss off if you expect them.
i do want to welcome, as i neglected to back in december D'Artagnon to the cake, good to see you on here Dar, hope to read more of you.
also want to say "hey shawn, you're writing again, sweet!"
glad to see some activity on the cake, even when it's infrequent and sporadic, from everyone.
kevin, i gotta tell you, your views on our current governmental regime are a welcome read here at work, where i'm the only non-supporter of Dubya and his cronies. it's nice to take a breath and pull up your website and breath a sigh of relief. cause quite honestly, being the lone wolf here makes one wonder if one's not crazy. (i probably am, but at least i don't have to wonder about it).
the rest of you... let your brilliance shine.
as for me, i've got to get memorized.... memorized.... memorized.
next week is coming sooner than i think.
I've been reading some of Al Franken's latest book and I believe I'll spend the next couple of weeks quoting from it here on bitchcake. Ammo for you against the blind fools at your (and my) work.
Hey, always remember - the MAJORITY of the US thinks Bush is a loser. Too bad they came to their senses 6 years too late.
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