Thursday, June 24, 2004

Well it's getting close to celebration time.
Yep... that's right, celebration time.
My blog has a birthday coming up on Saturday.
Isn't everybody excited.
It can finally morph from strange to wierd and I can start dealing with topics that really matter.
Like explosive diahrea my mind will vomit forth onto the page a moist drizzel of nonsense....
And that's something we can really enjoy.

Bruce I rather like your blog, you deal with things that really manner. I mean, I can rant and rave about religion and politics, two things my father told me not to speak about in mixed company. But what I really care about, what really makes my life enjoyable is a good laugh, and finding out things about kick ass movies. And that's something that you provide. I check your blog daily, and I am often not dissapointed, in fact I can't thing of a time I have been disapointed.

Erica... Bravo to you. Bitchcake is wonderful, and it's good to see both Annette and Tom... more Annette than Tom (cause she's much prettier, sorry Tom)... but anyway it's good to see two new members.


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