Monday, June 14, 2004

Shifting my point of view.
Sometimes, every once in a while, I need to shift my point of view.
Whether it is the way I look at the world, a habit, an art work, or an individual.
What needs shifted?
The world perhaps? Or maybe a habit of mine that isn't quite becoming (I have many of those)?
A work of art, if any my own works are the ones that need shifted.
The problem is I can recognize the need shift, but there is nothing one can do to force the shift.
O that isn't to say one can't change, but gradually changing one's point of view, either through study, or behavior modification doesn't trully shift anything.
A true shift is sudden, jarring. Makes you completely reevalute the thing that you had ideas on. A true shift is something that either happens suddenly, or at the end of a very long gradual shift.

Soon maybe... or maybe not.

I need a shift.


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