JayC isn't good to feel confident in the leaders of our country?
Don't you feel that everything's just going to be A-ok?
When the president or the secretary of state, or the vice president get up and give a speech. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Isn't it reassuring to think that the terrorist can't get one over on our country, because we're so damn paranoid? I feel good to know the senate is taking care of the whole prison thing.
Messy isn't it?
There could be no way that any one above the rank of Seargeant would know anything about what went on. I mean, the goverment, nor high ranking officials would be so ignorant and ludicrous as that.
And the 'fodder' like that wedding, which was obviously a celebration of some sort to hide terrorist activities, was as justifiable as anything else our government has done. Like for instance, attacking Iraq and getting rid of all those weapons of mass destruction. I feel pretty secure right now knowing that we've eliminated those things in Iraq. No I think that if the president says things are great they must be, because dammit, I want to feel the blissful ignorance of sheep in the field. I want to think that every thing is great, because many people I come in contact with do.
So if they say everything's fine
Then it must be.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
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