This is wonderful.
I check Erica's site regularly, because she's always adding new blogs to her links on the side.
There are four new ones now.
I was able to meet three of the people (the fourth, I'm a little vague on, and I don't think I've met) and I think it's wonderful.
Peering into the minds and hearts of people, or at least peering through the murkiness of the facade the put on, is amazing to me.
Teej, I love the recent poems man, keep it up lets see some more.
Joel.... you don't write enough! I know you're a busy man, I understand that, but indulge us a little more of your humor and insight would you?
Deanne... you're awesome.
Bruce, have you seen that sign? (the Utah one)? Because goddamn that's messed up.
Everybody else... FREAKIN' AWESOME. I'm stoked to see so many blogs. YES!
That's all for now.
Friday, June 11, 2004
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
Drasago Feeds the ChaosAnnette Keeps the Sanity
Financial Spilt Milk
MY POETRY for your perusal
The Grey Angel
MMMMM... Cake
Something Positive
Sort through the political BS yourself
Previous Posts
- Sergio Leone stole the plot from a Kurasawa movie ...
- Deane, thanks for sharing that was lovely.
- Frustrated anger. That's what I'm feeling today, ...
- Submitted for your approval: Our hero: A giant bea...
- This longing Bleeds my hands and tears my heart My...
- JayC isn't good to feel confident in the leaders o...
- The tucker box is empty now The heart of Kelly's c...
- So this is it. In an hour I'll be leaving this qu...
- Hidden Cantankerous wit profounded beauty strikes...
- I see blogger has updated things. I don't know ho...
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