So this is it.
In an hour I'll be leaving this quiet burg of Logan Utah to travel to the lights and sounds and smells of Las Vegas Nevada.
Damn am excited!
I'm excited to see the plays, excited to see my friends, excited to just be there.
I'm a little nervous too.
I don't know what to expect, and that always makes me nervous.
What's going to happen?
We'll see.
To my friends down there; warn the people.
Frank and Tom are coming.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
Drasago Feeds the ChaosAnnette Keeps the Sanity
Financial Spilt Milk
MY POETRY for your perusal
The Grey Angel
MMMMM... Cake
Something Positive
Sort through the political BS yourself
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