I keep having this dream.
It's a strange dream, most dreams are. Nothing but snippets of the days or weeks events, interlaced with stress factors and subconscious fantasies.
I don't know why I keep having it though.
I'm not going to say much about it, except it involves a friend, doing something they wouldn't, or wouldn't be expected to do.
Everybody has secrets, some secrets are known to certain friends, some aren't. Some are kept hidden.
Little guilty pleasures.
Forbidden desires.
Embarassing habits.
These are things we keep to ourselves, or a select few.
When those that aren't supposed to know these things find out about them, they have a paradigm shift.
Sometimes this can good or bad.
But it nearly always has an affect.
Occult is a word roughly meaning hidden.
I don't beleive in secret lore, or magic.
I think it would be cool, but I'm simply to skeptical for it.
I also don't believe in conspiracy theories.
Most of the individual's in a position to be running such a theory, just aren't smart enough to do it.
But then again most of the American, or world population aren't smart enough to catch on either.
I do believe in the mysterious and hidden when it comes to people though.
I do think that everybody has a little part of them that is secret, tucked away and burried.
Whether it's good or bad.
That's what my dream's really about.
My friend, I'm sure has nothing to do with what they are doing in the dream... but if they were, then my perspective on them would change.
That's what bothers me about the dream.
Sometimes I want to know the hidden, until I find out the truth.
Friday, June 25, 2004
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
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