Monday, October 20, 2003

I believe in an ideal woman. That is, I have in my mind the ideal woman I want to be with. Now, I can't vizualize her physically. What I have instead is a feeling. I know how she makes me feel, or at the very least a close aproximation of it. It's really a terrible thing. No woman I get involved with romantically will give me this ideal feeling. Am I being naive in my idealism. You bet I am. I recogonize it. Sad really. I know that it's foolish. Yet, I still have it.

So what is the feeling you're probalby asking yourself? Well it's hard to describe. Joy maybe. Love for sure. Happiness. Laughter. I want a woman I can laugh with. Not just one who makes me laugh, but one who can laugh with me. Share in my joy, hopefully because she feels her own sense of joy. This I think is a beautiful thing, unfortunately it's also very limiting. Where did I get the idea? I have no clue, but I do know that it is a huge limiting factor with the opposite sex.

Now quite honestly I'd like to be realistic in this one area of my life. I am in a way, in a very big way in fact. But this one thing I can't let go of. This one thing I'm hanging on to. Is it wrong? Maybe not. But it has proved challenging.


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