Before I start off, let me thank Erica for posting a link to Sherry's blog. And. Let me thank Sherry for having such a kickass blog. I've been reading for a few dance now and I must say it's an absolutely wonderful site. Keep it up. I don't know if you read my blog at all, but if you don't, perhaps those that see her can pass on my appreciation.
Now, to the topic of this post. Sherry mentioned a site today that I'm sure most of you have either seen, or heard of. And like her I'm not suggesting you go there and look at it. Why. Because it's terrible, pure and simple Oh sure there are funny elements, those that she mentioned on her blog are really humourous, but the rest will only disturb you. I've looked at this site three times and regretted each and every time. Why did I go? I have no clue... curiosity, some morbid itch I felt needed scratched, blantant ignorance of what I already knew. The fact that the material's there isn't what bothers me the most, it's the fact that it's one of the most hit sites out there. People go to it. They look. I'm sure many are going for different reasons, but they're going.
Why is it ingrained into the human psyche to enjoy suffering. You do it. I do it. Every single individual that I've had either the pleasure, or misfortune knowing does it. We do it at different levels. Any where from laughing at the idiocies of slap stick comedies (I know they're supposed to be funny, but...) to grotesque instances of the macbre. What about reality t.v. shows. Prime example. I hate the thought of most of them, oh I admit to watching a couple. American Choppers, and I'm with Busey (which is incredibly surreal). I hate the one's like Joe Bachelor, or that one based on that island for singles. Why? Because I personally hate seeing people being screwed over emotionally. But that's my level of tolerance.
I can watch the blood and gore, I'm perfectly fine with it knowing it's not reall. Saw a film tonight that was fraught with it. When it becomes real, that's when I have the problem, most people do. Though there are some who apparently don't mind, or like it. So what?
On some level we are depraved when it comes to misery. We either wallow in it ourselves, or we allow others to do it and approach it vicariously. We all have our own level of tolerance; but it isn't linear, maybe list would be a better word.
I've laughed my ass off at Peter Jackson's campy gorefest b-movies, but I get distraught in films where the characters are getting screwed over emotionally. Other people couldn't care about the characters emotions, and find it ludicrous to do so, while being completely revolted by those Peter Jackson movies.
What's this say about the human race? It's not a new phenomena; public executions, public sacrifices of both humans and animals. Entertainment of dubious nature invovling some form of miser and suffering has exsisted as long as we've kept records.
Why? I've asked this question again and again, why?
Is Hobbes right? Do we need a strict social structure to keep our depraved natures in check. Is this the only way out? A strong controlling government, or religion? I'm asking because I don't know.
I'd like to think that we are better off today than 100 or 200 years ago. I think I'd be right, almost anyone would agree with that idea. But are we really any more "civilized"? I'd like to think so. But perhaps, just underneath our surface, we are just as depraved as the crowds that surrounded the Aztec temples and witnessed the thousand die each week. Real t.v? Violent, bloody movies? Sitting around watching individuals fight a war over seas? This all seems to feed this sick curiousity...
Can anyone give me some answers here?
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
Drasago Feeds the ChaosAnnette Keeps the Sanity
Financial Spilt Milk
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The Grey Angel
MMMMM... Cake
Something Positive
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