Monday, September 29, 2003

I've known many people over the years. Friends and family. Some have been only aquaintances, others... much more. Many have passed out of my life. Either because they have moved on, or I have, or both. Some have just passed. I miss all of them, but I don't grieve them. I did. But I don't any longer. I've been fortunant to have some of them return to be apart of my life after many years absence. Others have not, yet, though they may. I have another friend right now, passing to the midwest to be with the woman he loves. I'm glad he is, he needs too. He seems to be meloncholy about it, yet joyous; good, he should be. He seems apprehensive; that show's he's sane. All in all things will work out good for him. He'll be happy. I think I'll see him again, and if I don't... I'm not going to grieve, I'm going to sit back and think about all the good times we shared. I'm going to smile, raise a cup in a toast to him, for both the memories and the now, and wish him well.

His passing seems befitting. Because soon Greyskull too will pass. They're tearing it down.

So for those of you who know Greyskull, raise a cup.

and Teej keep up the blog, and good luck my friend, you'll do well.


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