Friday, August 01, 2003

What is possible and what is not possible are directly effected by the limits of human understanding at any given time. When ever human understanding makes an advance, then the realm of possiblity grows larger. 4000 years ago it was not possible to build an atomic bomb, a super computer or an aeroplane. The limits of human understanding were just too narrow to allow it. They idea that anything is possible just doesn't make sense. Something s are impossible. One could argue that they may not be possible now but they will be someday. That's not the point, whether something is possible at a later date and time is completely irrelevant to this moment in time. If I can't travel backwards in time now, then it isn't possible to travel back in time. Perhaps I'm narrow minded?

If everything we have now has always been possible, and everything that we will have in the future is in reality possible now, why haven't we yet invented it? Another question is why weren't all the advances in technology we have now available invented so many thousands of years ago if they were always possible? One may answer: "If they had the technology and understanding we have then they could have invented the stuff we have." This is a conditional statement. It is true, but it doesn't support the idea that all things have always been possible. It shows that conditions must first be met in order for the possibilities to occur. This goes back to the original idea that the realm of possibility is just beyond our understanding.


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