Friday, July 11, 2003

I like to swear. Yep, I like to cuss like a cross eyed sailor drunk on turpintine. But not always. There are good times to cuss, and bad. I've done my share of both, but I've cut it down to more appropriate times. Now some of you are thinking two things: Why do I like to swear? and How could there possibly be appropriate times for swearing? Well, I like to swear because it is cathartic. I need that sometimes, I get it alot, but it's a different time of cathartic experience for me. For me there are two kinds of cathartic experiences, one is the artistic kind, typing on this blog for instance qualifies, writing or playing music, theatre. The swearing is a more, non-thinking catharsis. I release all this pent up creative energy, but I don't have to think about it. It flows. It's easy. Perhaps that's not a good exscuse but f+++ it. As for appropriate times... well mostly when I'm with friends who don't mind, never at work, never during the day in a public place with children. Though, hear little kids swear makes me laugh, I don't want the responsibility explaining to them what those words mean, or the responsibility of explaining to thier parents why they are saying those words in the first place.


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