Monday, October 29, 2012

Goals not fulfilled.

There is no way I'm going to finish all 15 movie reviews by the 31st of this month. Part of it is I insist on watching each film before I review. I've made a list and on that list roughly half the movies are ones that I've already seen. Of those I've reviewed exactly 0. Everything I've reviewed so far are things I haven't seen, though some I've seen clips large or small of. Now it's not that it wasn't possible. In fact the writing of the reviews at times easier than actually taking the time to watch the movie. So of the movies I've already watched (most of which I own), why don't I just review them? Because I would feel dishonest. I don't have a problem lying necessarily but I want to be at least somewhat honest to those few folks who read. Sure I've seen the movies, but it's been a year or two since I watched most of them and my mind is shaky. Besides watching the movie again will remind me why I liked or hated it and it would be considerably easier to comment on. Right now I still have nine movies to watch. I could watch 3 today and two on Tuesday and two on Wednesday, of course I'd still have two, but who am I kidding? I don't feel like watching movies after work most days. Which leaves me with my days off.

That said I plan on finishing this project, I'm giving myself one more week, which is to say the 4th of November. After that I'm going to go back to posting my randomness, but I will continue with my movie reviews. Specifically I'm going to take one director each month and take a look at a few of his movies. Not less than three, not more than five. To start it will be favorite director's but I'll soon branch out into those I haven't heard of before and those that are a bit more obscure. It should be fun!

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