Thursday, October 06, 2005

the complete life never past problems

one more time... just for kicks.

i wrote, well the equivilant of this blog moments ago, and i'll be damned if blogger didn't flip me off, moon me, and call me a dirty name right before an error page showed up instead of the usuall progress page.

oh well, i remember what it was i said, just going to say it differently now i suppose.

less sentimental, more angry.

that's computers for you. spend so much time in the fake world of the internet, that we forget, on giagantic power outage and ep storm and none of it works any more.


so having been checking the blogs.
wonderful things, i love blogs.
i love reading them.
and due to sheer boredom, or anger, or angst and longing: i love writing on them.
i write on my two, three, sometimes four times a week.
i've not got much of a life, and easy access, what can i say.
i check each blog daily though.
bitchcake, the few others to the side that aren't on bitchcake, a few friends that haven't given me permission to link them yet.
somedays i'm rewarded by one or two of you.
annette, bruce, tom quite often post.
once a month, or every two or three months one of the others.
some haven't posted for nearly a year.
of infrequent posters i was rewarded twice today: erica, sherry, i can't tell you how estatic i am to see the posts from you.
yes, my life is that boring i get a thrill from it, but a thrill none the less.

ryan, good post. i can, in many ways relate directly too what you have to say. it's amazing how much you can appreciate those who remain after one we love leaves.

erica, you gorgeous woman, i'm glad to see you post again. i check daily in hopes that you will, and today i was rewarded for my vigilance. expect an email from me soon.

sherry, you too should expect an email soon, and if i can find it again... a letter.

annette, i'll be posting on the subjects you mentioned on your blog before the end of the weekend. i'm waiting to see if anything new develops with that nominee, and i'm doing a little more research on that case.

everyone else... stay peachy, and keep a stick on the ice.


At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Frank! I am not checking my e-mail till this weekend b/c I don't have antivirus software. I am just glad to be back in contact with everyone again. I hope nothing but the best for you and hope everything is going well. As usual I often think and wonder how you are doing more often than I find time to write. ~ Sherry
BTW, the lost post thing has happened to me.... bummer

At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oy! Just incase you haven't checked in a while,(who can blame you he didn't post for almost a year either) Freston is once again posting on a somewhat infrequent basis. If you don't have the addy anymore check the link section of my little corner of the net. Cheers. . .SandsVII


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