Saturday, December 18, 2004

So I've noticed a couple of things lately:
1) I'm becoming an asshole at work.
That's sad because when all is done, my job isn't too bad. I don't have to deal with the underbelly of society like Joel.
I don't have to tolerate overbearing stupidity like my friend Kip.
Nor do I have the noise levels Tom has.
My job is low key, laid back, and overall not bad.
But still, I'm becoming more and more cynical and mean.
I'm tired of certain aspects of the job, but even those things I'm tired of have no real bearing in the greater picture.

2) I've become less inclined to work diligently while at work.
I'm the only one here, for the majority of hours the store is open, that runs the store.
Me, that's it.
I take care of the customers (in a subtly rude manner).
I answer the phones (in an obviously rude manner).
I process the orders for shipping most of the time.
I order certain supplies that the store needs too.
Now don't get me wrong, there are other people that work here, two of which are capable, and do do some of those things I mentioned above.
But they're only here about twenty hours a week, and they are usually here at the same time.

I've noticed these problems, because problems they are, and I'm trying to fix them... I'm not succeeding very well at all.
I need to get out of the valley for a few days.
I need a weekend of mindless revelry.
And I need....
well we won't get into that one.

Have a merry weekend.




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