Monday, October 27, 2003

Well Erica touched on something near and dear to my heart tonight: Languages. I've read Wittgenstein, alot of Wittgenstein. In fact I have a book sitting on my desk next to my bed that most people don't own unless they're philosophy majors, or proffesors. It is a book dealing with languages, propositions, and mathematical systems. Needless to say it is above and beyond my capacity for understanding. I still have it though, I hope to 'get it'. We'll see. One thing old Ludwig liked was the concept of language games. We all play them. They have set 'rules' and set 'moves'. When one of us speaks a different language, we are playing a different game. This is an incredibally dumbed down version of it. (If you want more get Wittgenstein's: Philosophical Investigations). Reading and studying him is one of the things that have influenced my beliefs a great deal (if you want to talk about that Email me). It all comes down to language. Really. Here's a smattering of Wittgenstein for you:

"How curious: we should like to explain the understanding of a gesture as a translation into words, and the understanding of words as a translation into gestures. And indeed we really do explain words by a gesture, and a gesture by words."

Ludwig Wittgenstein: Philosophical Grammar.


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