Friday, October 31, 2003

What is the nature of evil? Does evil recognize itself as being evil? Does society determine what evil is? Do individuals feel guilt for wicked acts because the act is wicked or because they are being punished for the act? If murder is always an evil act, then what if one kills another in self defense: does this make self preservation an evil act? If it is only society that determines what an evil act is, how can one society deem an act evil and another not deem the act evil? At what point is an act considered a wicked act: in the thought, or the deed? If evil doesn't recognize itself as being evil, then how can we trully determine what is evil; that is, I could be an evil individual and not realize my wickedness, who is it that determines this?

Here's only a few of the questions that have been asked, and can be asked about evil.
Any thoughts?


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