Tuesday, January 01, 2013

 I am not interested in your religion.

That isn't true, I probably am, but it's mostly from an academic/curiosity perspective. I do not care what you personally believe unless you force me to care. If you want to discuss it, that's fantastic. As long as you don't become preachy towards me and try and convert me, chances are I'll be interested in what you have to say. Don't try to convert me. I'm not susceptible to it, and I'll consider you a douchebag if you do. Further more I'll have little else to say to you.

I am wholly unconvinced that your religious beliefs mean that deep down you are a good person. They can influence you. But look at the perspective of different believers. The Muslim who blows up a cafe full of customers considers himself a decent person, doing what needs to be done to further his religious cause. The Christian who blows up an abortion clinic also considers themselves to be furthering a religious goal. From my perspective there's not really any difference between the two. The notion that you must yield to a certain religious belief in order to be a decent human being is a perplexing one. Perhaps people carry that notion to help themselves feel more secure in their religous beliefs, I don't know, but it's not something that I have personally experienced.

You might think. Well sure I've met some nice decent folks who didn't believe what I do, that just shows that they all have a good kindly spirit. No, what it shows is that people can be decent outside of religion. Outside of your religion. Some of you are going to argue this point. Go ahead. I'll let you. You won't convince me. I'm fully convinced of my view, I've got sources to back me up. You're really only trying to convince yourself.

So yes. If you want to discuss religion  Please let's do. I'm always happy to learn something. Do not assume that I share your religion with you. I don't. Do not assume that you can convert me. You can't. Do not assume that just because somebody is a decent person, they must follow your belief system as well. That assumption isn't true.

I'm not interested in your beliefs or your morals. I'm only interested in your integrity.

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At 9:06 PM, Blogger John R Belliston said...

I'd like to tell you about a little book called the Necronomicon. It will convert you. As it bleeds into your very soul.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger F.G. Shaw said...

Fuck you, and fuck your book.

At 2:07 AM, Blogger Smurfs O'Malley said...

Come to the Dark Side... We have Cookies...


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