the blogger would like to point out, that Newton's Second Law is a scientific law not a theory.
caught up in the storm of passion, i made the mistake of using it as an example.
Newton's second law is, and I quote: "The second law states that the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables - the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object. " The equation of the law is : Fnet = m * a
where Fnet is the net force, m= mass and a = acceleration
the point of the example however was to critisize peoples trust in science in many other areas.
granted newton's first and second laws are not a direct affront to individuals religious beliefs, but they are the basis for most physics and astronomy (and you know how those astronomers are always CLAIMING that the universe was created from a big bang.
as a scienctific theory, intelligent design begs the questions: where did the designer come from, get his base material, and most importantly where did he get his knowledge to design an ecology and life?
questions like these can be tossed aside in a theological, and even a philosophical debate, but science is grounded in a little more tangibility than either theology or philosophy.
when one of these individuals can give me definitive answers, that do not seem dubious at best or down right silly. then perhaps i will listen to their "theory" a little better.
of course, these folks don't know what a scientific theory is, but.... no matter.
they'll all burn when trogdor comes.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
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