Tuesday, January 20, 2004

So my mother had never seen me act until this past night. I've only been acting for a few years, most everything I know I learned from JayC, Erica, Joel and a playwriting class, and from doing it. I'm doing it now still, I'll continue to do it.

My mother was quite taken aback because she wasn't expecting it. She said I was someone different on the stage someone else. I laughed at her and toldher that's because I'm acting. I am addicted to it, I understand where you're coming from Sherry. I finish ten minute shows on Saturday, and I'm told that I might, might have the opportunity for another part in a play that conflicts with my schedule at the moment, I tell the guy I'll fix my schedule so I can do it. I'm involving my self with a playwriting/theatre production class so I can be involved with the plays. What's this mean, I enjoy myself. I love what I'm doing.

The play opened almost with out a hitch. One actress wasn't at places when she was supposed to be, so it took a second or two for it to get going, but the play ran well, we had a good audience, there was critisms from one of my friends on costumes, but you can't please everyone.

Ten minute shows, despite what I thought would be a fiasco, went well. Strange how things come together like they do. One more night of one acts then a breath.... then we start over again with originals plays.
I'm excited.


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