Tuesday, January 13, 2004

It comes as a disturbing realization that all games, all not just the ones I like, can be reduced down to a series of mathmetical calculations. Some would argue against this, but I bet given time and a perverted desire, someone good at math could take games like Clue and Chutes and Ladders and break them down into mathmatical formulas. What's this mean? Well nothing really on a whole, it's just funny to think about. Take RPG's for instance, if you don't know what they are... well for those of you who act, it's improving at a table reading and saying that your character is doing stuff, with out physically acting it out, that uses dice and statistics to measure the result. These games are built on the foundation of magic. I know alot of people who play these games. Guess what, half of them suck at math, but are very imaginative and can pretend to be some one else. The other half have no imagination but are really good at math. Funny. For some reason I think so. It's also funny to play while intoxicated, if only because the pretend fights turn into real ones. That's another story however.

So what am I saying.... when you play a game, all you're really doing is solving a complex math equation. Don't you feel smart? I know I do.


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