Monday, September 15, 2003

So this weekend... I accomplished little, which is sadly more than I normally accomplish on a weekend. I did manage to re-arrange my living room. For the the few of you who have actually seen my apartment, you're probably laughing to yourselve saying, how in the hell could you possibly re-arrange your living room Frank? Well I moved the chair to where the t.v. was... I know, I know, not a huge amount of moving involved, but the apartment does look different and it feels a little different.
Next weekend I go down to Salt Lake for my first rehearsal with the Ren. Music group... boy I'm nervous, I really feel incompitent going down there, I hope they're not dissapointed. I played a little bit with Tom this weekend, we come up with a cool little thing on bass and guitar, we just need to figure out how to break out of the "verses" and into a chorus and bridge. I just need to shake the cob webs loose I guess.

Fall has arrived, and boy am I excited. I love the fall. I don't know what it is about the fall but I'm both incredibly happy, and incredibly meloncholic during the three or so months we get of autumn. I always feel so inspired, inspiration that usually carries me well into feb. or march. Strange, isn't it? It's more typical for people to get that bit of inspiration during the spring or summer. I suppose I'm odd that way.

For those of you who are wondering about the poems below, take the spaces out.

Now a quick plug for Simple Green. Takes the paint off poorly painted figs wonderfully. It's also a great bathroom and kitchen cleaner. It's safe, so you can get it on your hands with no worries. Simple Green the cleaner that won't quit. Simple Green... it's people, get some today.

Now for a breath of fresh air.


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