Friday, July 27, 2012

Well, the weekend is here, at least almost. For me it's the last day of the weekend, I go back to work tomorrow. Saturday. It sucks, but where I currently work the weekends are actually the nicest days to work.  No hassle. No hubbub. No supervisors leaning over your shoulder. 

Where do I work. 

A water trucking company. 

I quit the grocery store after 3 1/2 years back at the end of last November. I can't say I don't miss it. I do. Though obviously not all of it. I was getting to where I genuinely enjoyed myself at work. But... there wasn't much in pay in advancement. 

The grocery store is locally owned. The owner is still pretty active. There's a general grocery manager and then the owners youngest son who is learning the trade to take over duties for when his father (and uncle who runs the hardware store adjacent) inevitably retire. Each department then has their manager. For the last 2 years I was there I was an assistant manager. Filling in the day to day between managers, covering their shifts as needed. Mostly though I bagged, stocked and checked like everybody else. Then the end of October something happened. 

I hurt myself. 

Nothing terrible, at least I don't think so. While crossing the street in Salt Lake City on the weekend of Halloween I step wrong and sprang my ankle pretty bad. I had to stay off of it for a week. So while sitting bored at home, lamenting the loss of income, (which I'd experience a lot of a few months earlier after having surgery for a hernia), I perused the job boards and saw that the water trucking company was hiring. I printed off an application, filled it out and turned it in when I went in for my doctor's visit at the end of that week. 

Well, long story short I got the job. The biggest reason was the loss of income. I hurt my ankle, but the job at the trucking company requires me to be at a computer all day. I could have gone to work had I been working there. Not so at the grocery store. My last day was the Saturday after Thanksgiving. My first day at the trucking company was December 1st. I've been there almost 8 months. 

The job itself isn't bad. My responsibilities consist of looking at orders that have been completed by drivers. Tracking them to verify there's nothing fishy going on with them, double check that who we're charging and what we're charging is correct and approve it. It's a pretty short process, taking anywhere from 2 minutes to 10 minutes depending on the order. 

Now, for some people, they may not know what a water trucking company does. Well they haul water, specifically water for drilling rigs, work over rigs, and waste water away from oil well locations. It's part of the oil industry. They do water dirt roads (to keep the dust down), and there are a couple of trucks in each area that a specifically used for hauling potable water. There are occasional jobs for domestic services as well. But mostly they haul water to and from oil wells. They also haul drilling mud to drilling rigs as well as brine. Both are used to suppress gasses and fluids in the hole while it’s being drilled.

The job doesn’t suck. I actually enjoy it for the most part. Though… like the grocery store, I have nightmares (real and imagined) of becoming stuck there indefinitely. Beholden to the job because of the compensation it gives me, not because I love doing it. I have decent benefits, medical, dental and eye-care. The money is good as well, I’m making nearly 350 to 400 bucks more a pay period than the grocery store, and this is one of the lower paid positions at the company.

There is a political climate however. While getting along with my supervisors fine, their immediate supervisor(s) seem to have it out for my department. There’s tension there: We get blamed at times for things that we have no control over, we also get blamed for things that are our responsibility. But the environment is stressful.

I don’t care about that. I’m confident in my ability to find another job. After I’ve been at the company for a year or more I could probably even find another related job in trucking. That being said, I will have to quit eventually. I need an environment where I don’t have to continually self-censor on politics, religion or societal issues. Given the nature of the company, and the location, that’s simply not going to happen here.

There are current events, which I will save for another post in the near future, that worry me that I’ll have to spend more time working here than I first anticipated. I have a lot of thinking to do over the next couple of days, and weeks. But till then… Yeah, I should probably hit the hay. Work comes early at 8:30, it’s better than the 3:00 I have to go in on other weeks. 



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