Saturday, July 21, 2012

Well, Revenge of the Sith will have to wait, as well as the original trilogy of films. The copies I had were bought for my nephew by me. He paid me for them and I ordered them from Amazon for him. He came to get them before I had a chance to watch the final film of the prequels earlier this week. So you'll have to wait a couple weeks till I pick up my own copy of the films.

Till then I'll focus on other things.

I'm not going to talk about Batmen (haven't seen it) or the horrible tragedy in Colorado (rather not give commentary to that right now) I would rather talk about...

My dog.

My dog is pretty awesome. My niece (cousin to the nephew above) found her in a little draw that she has to drive up when going home from Roosevelt. She was bedraggled and starved half to death. She took her home and fed her, give her a brush (though it only helped a small amount) and took care of her for about a month before I got her.

I'd just lost my own dog about a month and a half before, and through careful manipulation, and constant badgering my sister convinced my mother to take the dog, which they had named Shasta, with the promise to have her spayed.

So a little over 3 years ago (it was July 3rd if memory serves me correctly) Shasta was brought to the house. She was skittish, and still is around a few certain people. But mostly she was lethargic. She'd just gone through a major surgery. I fawned over her, and held her (when she got well enough to hold) and soon her and became best buddies. Now she's my constant companion when I'm home. She doesn't like to fetch, she likes to run though and man can I get her running (with surprisingly little effort on my part). We don't feed her table scraps, though she does get the occasional crust of bread or bit of cheese. (She loves cheese!) She loves her belly rubbed. Though most of the time she's doing it to show submissiveness to folks.

She's incredibly territorial. Which is usually a male dog trait. I've seen her chase dogs out of the yard that are three times her size. She doesn't fight though, and she loves to chase after the wild cats that live around the house.

I sure love her. She's probably the one thing that helps keep me sane.



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