Friday, November 18, 2005

first, a question friend: why did they do a drug presentation after the show?
why was that necessary (i'm not even sure what show you're doing, if you have the chance send me an email with the details).

second, don't take the attitude that you're not going to do that kind of theatre any more.
that's why we do theatre, to move the audience on some level.
yes it wasn't fair to the kids.
it was really unfair to the kids to, what sounds like, belittle thier performance.
but you can't let one unthoughtful incident like that soil your desire to do theatre the way theatre should be done.
i never set out to be a thespian nick, i wouldn't be one now if i hadn't met joel, erica and jayc, but i've become addicted to the thrill of contecting with the audience and taking them, for a little while to another place.
sometimes that place is light and funny, sometimes that place is dark and uncomfortable.
but if i can connect with the audience, only for a moment, and have them leave the theatre thinking about the performance of me and my fellow cast members, then i'm fulfilled as an actor. all you can do as the director and teacher is help to instill that passion into the kids and guide them to that end.
and to be honest it sounds like you've done that.
i'm sure when all is said and done, the audience will go out leaving slighted by the belittlement of the performance, but i gaurantee that today at work and this weekend during thier weekend activities, it will be the performance of those kids they are thinking about, not the stupid drug presentation at the end.
let the kids know this.
let them know that while the drug presentation was unfair to them, they are the ones that moved the audience, and ultimately it's the story they told that the audience will be thinking about.


At 11:09 AM, Blogger Almighty One said...

D.A.R.E =
Drugs Are Really Expensive


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