Monday, March 13, 2006

walking... talking.. thinking

it is nice today... i mean overall.
there were clouds, even pretend snow, but the clouds are vacating the valley now, and skies of blue can be seen.
i noticed a trend the last several weeks: each morning i'll check the weather online, and it seems, every monday these days there is snow forcast each and everyday.
that pisses me off initially, until it: a) doesn't happen, or b) snow's at night when i could care less.

soon it will be spring though.
i like spring, not as much as i like fall strangely enough, but still quite a bit.
i love seeing the women walk to and fro in the spring, just a hit of milky flesh, giving way to tan cornicopia of wonder : shorts, midriffs, tank tops, baby tees... it's wonderful!
so much beauty, it's a wonder the world can contain it all.
then there are the flowers in bloom.
the birds, the bees.
some fresh clean fragrance in the air, making my heart twitter.
yes, spring is soon to be upon us.
we keep getting teased by spring, we keep getting snatches of the change that will be upon us by early next month.
but i'll be damned if winter doesn't kick us in the groin again and laugh.
stupid winter!


At 12:06 PM, Blogger Almighty One said...

My accidental tax deduction has enabled me to get A.C. this year, so bring it on!


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